Tuesday, June 2, 2015


I have this personality quirk...

Instead of trying to explain it, I'll give you an example or two.

In about 2004/2005, I started watching Bonanza.  I'm not even sure why, but I started watching it, and I liked it.  A lot.

Then I started taping it.  In order.  I had nice little markings on all my VCR tapes.  It'd go a little something like this:
"Name of the Episode", NC, Joe  (NC stood for no-commercials as I'd edited them out.  Joe was the character the episode was written around.) 
Then I found some Bonanza stuff online and ordered it on Ebay...which is why we have a framed map of the Ponderosa in the upstairs bedroom. 
Then I found out everything I possibly could about the actors. 
Off the top of my head, I can tell you that Pernell Roberts was born in Georgia in 1928, that Lorne Greene is from Canada and used to anchor the news, that Dan Blocker is from Texas and was the only actor on the show to have a college degree (and started the Bonanza/Ponderosa Restaurant chain), and that Michael Landon's real name is Eugene Orowitz and he found the name Michael Landon in a phone book.

I also joined a forum called Bonanza World, met a heap of other really nice fans from around the states who shared by affinity for Adam Cartwright, and I can likely still name many of the Bonanza episodes.  I also wrote some Fanfiction for that site- my first attempt at it.

Fast forward to the present day.  It's the same dealio with Doctor Who.  It's like I'm physically unable to just watch something and enjoy it.  I have to completely immerse myself in the entire culture that IS that show- read every book, fanfiction, find out what's canon and not canon, buy the figures, read the stories, analyze the episodes, write fanfiction...more, more, more!!  lol

I will say that my Dr. Who knowledge is truly limited to 2005 to the present.  I've tried watching the old ones and...yeah...they're just not the same.  Plus, netflix only has a limited selection of 3-4 episodes/season of the old ones, so it'd be pretty tough to get into anyway. 

I'm pretty much in love with Eccleston.  It's funny, because I don't necessarily like those episodes the best- some of them were kinda lame- but I like Chris' Doctor the best.  Can't quite put my finger on it, because I seriously love Tennant's and Matt's Doctor's, too.  I haven't had a chance to see Capaldi yet, but I'm guessing I'll love him, too.  lol  

Everyone's gotta have a hobby, I guess.  I just pick mine one at a time. 

Do I still love Bonanza?  Yes.  Not in the same way, but yes, I still like it.  I miss the Bonanza World site...it was fun to have a place to go where others sort of understood your obsession...understood it and embraced it.  lol  It is no more, so sadly, I cannot go back to visit.

So that's my quirk.  I'm not good at being a passive fan, I suppose.  I feel like I probably should have grown out of this by now.  I'm 36 (how is that possible?) years old, after all. 

Do you ever have a hard time trying to cry?  I've truly needed to for like a week and I just can't.  I'll maybe get like one dry sob out before my brain kicks in and is like, "this is stupid, give it up, it isn't going to happen."  It's kind of a crummy feeling.  Like...when you know your back needs cracked, but it just won't crack.  That kind of a thing.  Odd, really, as I'm not particularly sad about anything.  It just needs to happen.  :P 

I made stromboli tonight for supper and man was it delicious!  I used ham, hard salami, pepperoni, hot banana peppers, and cheese.  Noms!  It came out golden and delicious.  It was maybe 60 degrees outside when I came home so turning on the oven wasn't an issue, but boy is it tough to come up with things to make when it's 80 degrees in the house and you'd just as soon shoot yourself than turn on the oven.  I mean, realistically, you can only eat tacos so often. 

Well, my head hurts and I desperately need to work on some editing, so this is going to be it for tonight.  I hope you had a lovely day.  :)

Till next time,


1 comment:

  1. Sad to say that I remember watching Bonanza growing up and while I enjoyed it, I was never crazy about it. As a little girl my cray-cray show was 'Here Come the Brides'. Oh, Bobby Sherman!!! lol I know what you mean about getting obsessed about a current show now because we have the option to binge watch which is so fun! During my first shoulder surgery I got hooked on Downton Abbey. Second surgery...Mad Men. In fact I just ordered seasons 1-6 on dvd and am re-binge watching them. I just love seeing the costumes and sets. The plot lines less but --meh. And then there is the cable show Outlander which is definitely an adult story! But I've been reading the series since it first came out and those characters are like extended family now. Ah the funny things that can hold our fascination, huh?

    I can't agree with you about the crying however. I always get a migraine after crying and then feel emotionally drained the following 24 hours. There is no such thing as a therapeutic cry for me, yuck. I hope that whatever was bothering you was able to get resolved in a different way. Hugs!!!
