Sunday, June 14, 2015

Things you see...

We went camping this weekend.  Overall, I'd say it was a positive experience. 

Here are some observations-

I could give up just about everything modern with the exception of air-conditioning.  When we sat up the tent it was 93 degrees and humid.  I thought I might die- not due to heart failure, but do to my utter misery and crankiness.  I am a girl who thrives in a dry, comfortable climate.  This tropical stuff is just bull.  Thank you, but no.    

I saw a 60+ year old man in a giant camper who had a 20 foot antenna on some sort of a tri-pod.  I can only guess he was some sort of short-wave radio operator and couldn't bear to give up his hobby while camping.  I'd also like to add that he was rocking jeggings all weekend.  Yes, his knobby knees and everything else was all on display in some of the tightest jeggings I've ever seen.  It was quite a show. 

Just as we were packing down and I was all grouchy and hot again, I found a tick half burrowed into my leg, enjoying a nice refreshing glass of Mandy blood.  *Thankfully*, it was a tiny deer tick, so with any luck I'm now the proud recipient of Lyme Disease.

 Seriously, I don't think it was attached long enough, but it something fun to ponder over for a bit.  Lucky me! 

I was thinking of you all while I was hanging out in my tent.  The campground was full and I could hear bits and pieces of conversations from the adjoining sites, so I wrote some of them down to share: 

"You heard about Bruce and Kim, right?  How they were having sex in the shower?"
- "Gross.  They're like 50.  They don't need to be doing that at their age."
"Yeah, but they're a young 50.  You know?  Young love and all that."  *laughs* "Anyway, the asshole, he fell.  Right in the shower.  Broke two ribs in two places."  *laughs uproariously*
-"So he's okay now?"
*still laughing*  "Well, he's out of the hospital...*laughing harder* "can't even drive his truck!!" 

He didn't have much sympathy for Bruce...

And, the story of the camper backing into the site across from ours...  The wife is outside with their older daughter, trying to give directions on where she wants it in the site.

-"You're too far back!"
(Tires crunch on gravel as he pulls the camper forward)
-"No, now you're too close to Rachel.  Bring it my way!  No!  My way!"
(Tires again crunch on gravel)
-"Yeah, better to just pull it out and start over again."
(Truck pulls forward, begins backing up again)
-"No, you're still not doing it right."
--(Rachel) No, Dad, this looks pretty good.  You're good." 
-(interrupting) No, you're still too close to me!  Start over again!"
Exasperated man:  "WHAT DO YOU WANT FROM ME???!!!"
*pauses* - "Well, now that I look at it, I guess it's okay.

Twenty minutes later, as they're setting up the camper:
- "I still wish it was closer this way..." 
(Rachel) "OMG, mom, drop it!!"

Later that night a pop-up camper full of drunken school teachers were boasting to each other about the countries they'd traveled to.  One teacher was appalled that Germany didn't serve diabetic friendly meals (she also mentioned several times, "Not that I'm diabetic, but there was so much bread!  It was all bread!).  Another tried to outdo her by shouting about Lichtenstein.  Several times.  He just kept saying it in each sentence, as though we may have forgotten what country he was in.  That ended on a sour note when a husband/wife duo got into an argument about who was the most pathetic drunk.  lol


So, once the neighbors all piped down and I got into the actual meat of the weekend, we had a nice time.  Friday night everyone was all rowdy, but apparently they had calmed down considerably after that as I didn't hear much from anyone on Saturday or Sunday.

I didn't see one red-spotted newt all weekend.  Considering we were camped 50 feet away from a creek and it rained off and on all weekend, I was really disappointed.  I mean, come on!  It was prime newt territory and prime newt weather, yet there were no newts.  Psshht.

Well, I could keep going, but I'm really tired and...yeah.  I'm just really tired now.  :)

Hope you had a lovely weekend!

Till next time,


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