Wednesday, June 3, 2015


There's no other explanation for it- I'm firmly convinced that the long, leggy weeds in our yard are aware.  They stand brave and tall, unfaltering until the mower comes within inches of them...then they duck.  They stay down for an hour or two, till the coast is clear, then they pop their stupid long stalks back up again. 


You see?  No other explanation.  They're aware.  Be afraid.

This is off topic, but does anyone else have a laptop that's seemingly possessed, making your screen bigger and small as you go along?  I learned a long time ago that Control and the minus sign makes it smaller again, but still.  It's annoying.  Also, when I'm using Word, it'll make the print huge and/or small depending on it's mood.  (I'm sure I must have a part of my hand or something on the mouse pad while I'm typing and that's doing it, but I prefer the possessed theory better.)

While I was outside, I took a picture of our spacious growing patch out back.  Let's jokingly refer to it as my garden.  

Check it out-

I know what you're thinking.  Well, I think I do.  

1. Your "garden" needs weeded.  
(Yes it does.  Don't judge me.  Back off, pal!)  

2. What are you going to do with all that extra space?
(Wait for the tomatoes to fill out and overtake the yard, slowly encroach on the grill, and finally grow up through the porch railing and invade that space, too.) 

3. This space is impressive. 
(I know.  Try not to be too jealous.)  

4. What is that rusty metal thing on the cement slab?
(It's a chain.  We used to live in Berwick and chained the grill to the porch since it was on the 1st floor and we didn't want the grill to walk off.  We moved here in 2009 and didn't know what to do with the it's decorating the back porch area.  The rusty hunk of metal really adds that certain something, right?)  
So, jumping around again, guess what?  I feel pretty accomplished tonight already.  I've packaged up the two trash bags full of clothes I don't want anymore and stuck them in my car.  I'm going to drop them off at a local church that has a drop off bin on my way into work tomorrow.  

I've stripped the bed, changed the sheets, put the summer quilt on, and folded up the heavier blankets we won't be needing anymore.  

I trekked down to the cellar to get rid of the recycling that's been hanging out on our counter top for a week!  Huzzah!  

Now I'm waiting for my clothes to finish up in the washer so I can dry them and then (ha-ha) put them away. (Ain't gonna happen tonight.  lol!)  

So, other than that, I need to cook supper.  We're having sloppy joes and bean soup.  Have you ever tried a sloppy joe with a piece of American cheese on it?  It's pretty much deliciousness multiplied.  You should really do it.  

Look at me, telling you all what to do.  Pssht.  Don't take food tips from me.  You're going to end up looking like me, and you don't want that!!  lol

I finished editing chapter 1 last night- it's finalized and ready to publish.  Huzzah!  I sorta feel like I'm kicking myself in the rear end by editing before I finish drafting out the rest of the story, but...editing is so much easier!  :P   I think I'm going to focus on writing a page or so of the next chapter as a draft tonight.  I'll feel better when I've got the whole thing written.  I'm kind of notorious for starting stuff and then just letting it hang.  Bad Mandy!  

Soo...the sun is shining, the birds are singing (they're getting on my nerves, actually...), there's a light breeze, and the windows are open.  It's a great day!  Yay!  

I hope your day was lovely, too!  

Till next time,



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