Friday, May 29, 2015

Paycheck Friday!

Woohoo, that's right!  It's payday!

For some people, that means all kinds of fun things.  For most of us, it means it's time to get out the dang checkbook again, pay bills, watch as your money magically disappears, and then try to find some kind of satisfaction in knowing you've been a responsible adult.  As if there's any fun in that.  Pssht.  

When it gets hot, do you know what I want to eat?  A salad plate.  A scoop of tuna salad, a scoop of cottage cheese, and a scoop of potato salad all on a lovely bed of fun lettuce with lots of sliced up cucumber, cherry tomatoes, and maybe a couple black olives. 

Is it healthy?  Erm...not so much.  Too much mayo, unfortunately.  It doesn't keep me from wanting one, though. 

So, what's new in blog land tonight? 

I hung out with my friend Kristin tonight!  Yay!  She's slowly introducing herself to Dr. Who. 

If you know much about me, you know I'm a bit obsessed with it right now.  And while I'm so glad she's starting to watch it, I also feel kind of bad for her.  I've never had a show that continually rips out my soul, stamps on it a few times, and hands it back to me all damaged.  It doesn't just do it once.  Nope. Again and again and again- and like a fool, I keep coming back for more.  I've never enjoyed being emotionally damaged more!  

Honestly.  At least the Daleks kill you right off.  lol

Do you watch the show?  If you do, who's your Doctor?

I love them all, honestly.  I still think that nine's going to always be *my* Doctor, just because he's the one I got to know first.  And, don't get me wrong.  I love David Tennant and Matt Smith, too.  I do.  I haven't seen Capaldi, but likely once I've seen him, I'll love him, too.  lol  Eccleston will always be mine, though.  

Hey, do you know what feels great? 

Sitting in an 85 degree room in jeans with a baking hot laptop on your legs!  Trust me, you're going to want to do this.  For a long, long time.  At least an hour or so. 

My hubby's birthday is this weekend.  He wants a chocolate cake with strawberry frosting.  As Pedro might say, "All of his wildest dreams are going to come true."  Regarding the cake, anyway.  I'm feeling confident I can come through with the cake. 

I got him a couple things off Etsy and Amazon for his birthday.  Naturally the one I liked best didn't get here yet. 

What do you typically do on the weekends?  Our weekends typically end up with us putting an exorbitant amount of miles on my car and really doing nothing.  It's pretty sad.  We've driven around the state so much, there's like nothing left that's new or different to do.  lol

We'll sit around and try to think of something to do that we haven't done within driving range and it's slim pickin's.  There's lots of stuff down around Philly we haven't done, but neither of us are all that fond of cities or crowds, so, you know.  There's a reason why we don't travel down that way much.

The crickets are chirping rapidly.  While some might find this comforting, I know it means that it's hot out. Crickets chirp fast when it's warm and slow when it's cold.  (Thanks to the laptop, my legs are very nearly medium-rare.) 

Speaking of legs, can I rant a little on the ridiculousness of shaving your legs in the summertime?  I need to invest in one of those no-no things or something.  I can't stand having scratchy legs at the end of the day.  It's awful. 

Once in awhile a soft puff of cool air is blowing in through the screen in the porch door.  When it happens, it is pure heaven.

There needs to be a convertible house built.  You just undo the latches and push a button and all the rottenly hot air from the attic and second floor escapes...and the blissfully cool air from outside fills your home instead.  Oh- and an insect screen slides over the open space...and you can look at the stars while you sleep, if you want!  This is just getting better and better!

Oh.  Or you could have central air.  I guess that's an option too.  I mean, it's a lot more boring than pushing a button and having the roof slide off your house, but...  

Goodnight everyone.  Have a lovely weekend.  :)

Till next time,


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