Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Why popsicles make me think of the Rolling Stones...

Hey there,

It's been awhile, I know.  I wish I could say that there was a great reason, but honestly it's just because I'm having a hard time coming up with something to say to you all. 

My life is pretty routine, and therefore, tends to be rather boring.  The most exciting thing that's happened this week is that I found like 8 solid paragraphs I completely forgot I'd written tucked away in my email that fits in nicely with Chapter 6 of the story I'm working on. 

I had to have written it awhile ago as I'm working on Chapter 14 right now, but hey.  I'll take a few bonus lines that cement the story together a little better. 

It's so roasting hot in the house right now- I'm sorta desperate to go upstairs in the bedroom and write this, but it's hard to balance the keyboard and write effectively, so I think I'm staying put for the time being.

You know what's been troubling me lately?  I feel like I don't have the time I need to get stuff done.  And it's not true.  I have plenty of time when I get home to cook supper and clean up, then sit down, write a bit, fiddle on the internet, and watch a little TV, if I'm in the mood.  Here's the deal- I hate feeling rushed.  When I'm on my own time, I like to have plenty of time to do things my way- which is probably pretty slow.  It just makes me feel like I'm doing a thorough and proper job. 

It's a different story all together, though, if the ADD is pulling me around.  Then I can't help it and I jump around from one thing to the next, usually without ever accomplishing anything.  lol  For one reason or another, that doesn't make me feel frustrated- how can I get mad if I completely forget the first thing I was doing and rush on to the second? 

At any rate, trying to reel this back in, when I get home lately, I feel so rushed and it's causing me to stop and not do anything.  I hate it and it needs to stop.  If anyone has any tips on how to deal with balking due to made up scenarios in my own mind, do let me know.  lol 

Did you ever wonder how many bugs you've killed with your car in your life?  I'm betting it's a lot.  Scrubbing their remains off the bumper remains one of my least favorite tasks.  It's like as revenge for killing them, their bodies morph into some sort of pseudo titanium composite and firmly adhere themselves onto your vehicle.  I guess you could say my Impala is a rolling cemetery. 

It's getting to be that time of year when the katydids are out at night.  It's pretty much the best noise in the whole world.  I grew up in the country, so it's a very familiar and peaceful/comforting sound for me.  You don't hear them much in town.  Not that Nescopeck is much of a town, but it's enough to thwart the katydid invasion.  If you grew up in town, or otherwise aren't sure what sounds katydids make, take a listen here. 

I use a laptop for most of my computing stuff here at the house, but once in awhile, if I need to print something, I'll use the desktop in the 2nd bedroom.  After using this for so long, along with my compact mouse, I feel like my hand is driving a Lincoln when I use the full size mouse upstairs.  It's huge!! 

Our tomatoes out back are huge and have officially taken over the entire area.  I'll have to take a picture and show you.  They're loaded with fruit (yay!!) and so far, no blossom end rot, so things are lookin' pretty good in my prosperous little dirt patch. 

If you've never met me, and are just reading this because you stumbled through...I'd like for you to know that I'm much more entertaining in person.  lol 

Till next time,


Oh- and the reason I think of the Rolling Stones every time I have a popsicle is because of my favorite flavor- cherry red, which naturally gets me singing "You Can't Always Get What You Want" because the soda Mick gets at the Chelsea drugstore is cherry red, too.  Honestly, when I was a kid, I just called them red, but after I learned the lyrics to that song, every cherry popsicle *had* to be cherry red...because it's much more fun to say.  :)

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