Monday, July 6, 2015

Organic Foods

I think most people look at a label, see "organic" and think something along the lines of:
"Hey, no chemicals!  This is better for me and better for the environment!"

I grew up in the boonies.  We had a garden.  We used Sevin on our plants...because, if you didn't, you didn't end up with much...and then what you did have was riddled with either bugs or bug larvae.  Not appetizing.

So, go ahead and enjoy your organic stuff.  You see the organic sticker and see "better for me and the environment, I see the same sticker and think, "riddled with bugs and larvae".

I'll stick with the pesticides, thanks.

Speaking along the lines of produce, Scott and I took a walk at the Riverlands and over at Briar Creek Lake and came home with about 2 1/2 cups of black raspberries.  I cooked them into a delicious quick bread tonight.  If the summer progresses the way it has, there are going to be a nice crop of blackberries come mid-August...not to mention some pretty nice looking macs hanging from the tree by the road.

I can hear you now.  "You go to public parks and pick berries and pick up apples off the ground???"

Yes, I do.  No one else is picking them.  It's a public park.  It's free fruit.  Yep, I'm taking it.

In truth, most of the apples aren't worth taking.  They're small and usually pretty wormy. (Read: organic) I have made applesauce before with them, but by the time you're done cutting out all the wormy bits, there's precious little apple left.  My favorite apples to make applesauce with are Cortlands and Macs.  You can't beat them!

Although, sometimes you'll get stuck with some Macs that don't want to cook down...but still, the flavor is the best.

I know it's the beginning of July, but I'm already kinda looking forward to fall.

So, on Friday, Scott and I took a trip down to Kutztown to the folk festival.  I was going down to meet two ladies I know from a Dr. Who group on Facebook.  We had such a fantastic time!  I was so very glad to go and meet them and I do hope we'll be able to get together again sometime.  We had a merry time chatting and giggling, and just being girls.  And because Scott is the best, he didn't complain and bit.  Heee's a good boy!  :D

Up until this weekend, I'd been making pretty good progress on my story, then, all of a sudden, I've got nothing.  Thirteen chapters in and I'm sorta stuck.  I can't say that I'm worried about it, though.  It'll come back.  My desire to write hasn't gone away, just some good ideas on how I want to continue on.  I just need to be patient...which I'm not all that good at.

Well, this isn't the longest post, but it's about 10:30 and I'm tired! 

I hope you're all doing well and that you enjoyed a lovely Independence Day!

Till next time,


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