Wednesday, July 15, 2015

July 15

I can't say that I have anything particularly interesting to talk about tonight, but it's July 15, and I have one measly blog post for the month up so far.  I decided I'd best write something down, lest I grow lazy and don't update at all.

Scott bought me a new phone.  Mine wasn't holding a charge quite as long anymore and it was desperately outdated so he went online and found me a nice replacement.  It's a real phone- just like real people have.  It's very nice, but I'm still not using it all that much.  I don't know if you guys are all just used to texting with a digital keyboard, or what, but it seems like in order to type with any kind of accuracy, I'm going to need to have surgical finger reductions.  Seriously, I think a toddler might be able to comfortably and easily type, but me and my giant sausage fingers aren't very accurate.

There's a watermelon on my stove.  It's been here for two days and I haven't cut it up yet.  I should probably get on that.  On the other hand, not cutting up the watermelon is easier.  ;)   lol  Am I freakin' bum or what?  Wait- don't answer that, okay?  I'd really rather not know.

This week I've been wanting to write a lot, but when I sit down, not much comes out.  I'm lucky if I'm writing a paragraph or two per night.  At this rate, this story I'm doing is going to be finished by the time I'm 67 years old.  It's frustrating when you're trying so hard to expound and the words just don't come.  Things will work out- they always do.  It's just hard when I'm all gung-ho but can't get anything to come out.

It seems like the older I get, the more stupid I feel.  Words that used to be a regular part of my vocabulary have gone on vacation and don't seem like they'll be back anytime soon.  I'll read other things to try and awaken those sleepy parts of my brain, but it rarely helps.  I don't like feeling dull, but that's the norm at the moment.  Any suggestions on giving my brain a boost?  I hate feeling stupid. 

In other news, my car apparently has a huge target on it, because it is covered in bird crap.  I haven't hit any birds recently, or offended them in some other manner, so it's either coincidence (probably not), or the birds, like people, are asses and want to pick on the fat girl.  lol 

I think I understand now why some women consider plastic surgery.  I used to think that they were just vain and couldn't stand looking "just so".  I talked with a friend about it tonight and I'm seeing some changes in my face- my skin is looking a bit different, my eyes have some lines around them...and it's a little bit scary.

I don't think these women are going through lots of procedures because they're being vain and finicky.  I think they're a little bit afraid of looking in the mirror and not seeing the person they used to see.  Whether you buy into it or not, our society really does place a lot of women's worth on the way they look.  Naturally it's a little scary when you see things going downhill. 

Men seem to get more rugged and better looking as they age, but (and this is only my opinion, of course) it seems like women are much more disposable.  That's hard to deal with- even if you're like me and you've never really been attractive to begin with.  I'm not necessarily saying that I buy into this, but each one of us is insecure.  We all want to be accepted and loved for who we are.  Who am I to judge someone who wants a little nip or tuck to feel happier about themselves?

I think that's where I'll end for tonight.  I hope you're all doing well and enjoying your summer.  I'll try to come up with something fun and exciting to blog about next time.  We're going to Knoebel's this weekend with my parents, so perhaps I'll share a few photos and post about our time together.

Stay well, my friends.

Until next time,


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