Wednesday, April 6, 2016

What to write?

I started this blog because I felt like I have things to share sometimes...

The problem is- I have a tough time discerning what to write and what not to write.  My life as a whole is pretty mundane.  I'd like to think it's a bit more fun and glamorous than it is, but...yeah, it's not.  lol


I'm not great at it- writing, that is.  I wish I was...I love reading and I do enjoy writing, but if I am honest with myself, it's not all that good.  I don't have one of those minds that can keep track of complex plot, pepper my story with interesting and seldom used (but commonly known) words, or describe what characters are feeling.  I'm a bit bummed about it, really.  I'm going to keep doing it, and keep trying, just because I like it, but still.  Part of me will always be disappointed that I'm just average.


We're leaving on Saturday for Florida.  In typical Mandy fashion, I am a combination of excited, terrified, sick, and wanting to cry over the whole ordeal.  If you know me, you'll know that I deal with a healthy dose of anxiety pretty much every day of my life.  I don't use any medication to cope with it, although sometimes I feel like I should.  I did at one point in time, but I was unhappy with the side effects that went along with it.  So, I do what I always do, tell myself to "suck it up" and "make it work" and I get by.

That sounded complain-y.  I didn't mean for it to sound like that.  It's more like Jack Webb.  "Just the facts, ma'am."

So, anyway....Florida.  Yes.  Warmth, sunshine, I'm meeting a friend, we're going on an air boat ride, and I'm planning on spending some quality time in the pools and floating like a beached whale on the lazy river.  And cupcakes...because my friend makes some pretty amazing cupcakes, from what I hear.

I just washed the dishes and am rewarding myself with a cup of tea.  It's not just any tea.  It's Nine tea, based on my favorite Doctor from the tv series Doctor Who.  It's described as "A bit darker, more intense brew than the others, but still with a surprising amount of sweetness, considering the contents."  Gunpowder, chestnut, Irish breakfast, aniseed, and cinnamon bits 

It's seriously amazing and probably the best tea I've ever had the privilege to drink.  If you've an interest in trying it (or trying any number of amazing fandom inspired teas), check out adagio.  Here's a link to the Nine tea.  I've tried a number of blends and the 10th Doctor blend is super yummy too, as well as another Ninth Doctor tea.  Both of the Rose teas have been a bit too floral for my taste, but still lovely in their own way.  Basically, if you like tea and if you've got a fandom you're a part of, you're probably going to find something you like at adagio.  Seriously.

Mel asked for numbers 1-26 of made up facts, but I don't want to spoil you all at once!  Here are the first 5, which were definitely not just made up off the top of my head right now.  Nope.  Definitely not.

Made up (by me) fact #1- My tees-shirts are all best friends and cheer each other on as they get picked to be worn. 

#2- The socks in "the orphanage" are sad and lonely and miss their mates.  They bond together with the other lost socks, but things aren't the same until they are paired back up.  :( 

#3- The airbags and seatbelts get all the safety glory in the automotive industry, but the mudflaps on my car are also an unsung hero, protecting others from stones, mud, and water spray. 

#4- Potholes occur on motorways because even though the road is a smooth cohesive unit, it is made up of smaller parts- these parts sometimes become aggravated with each other and argue.  On occasion, certain rocks will band together and defect from the roadway, leaving a hole in their wake. 

#5- Some day I will do something extraordinary.  :)   

I think that's all for tonight, friends.  I hope you are well. 

1 comment:

  1. Yipeee!!! road trip to florida with my beautiful wife. Oh cupcakes too that sweetens the deal even more. :)
